In Defense of Bacon: Busting Narratives with No Foundation

I love bacon. I started my career in the food industry designing new and better ways to manufacture bacon and even have a patent on bacon processing technology. So I know a lot about bacon. And did I mention I love bacon?


But a large portion of government bureaucrats and woke universities hate bacon because it doesn't fit into their worldview.


So, in a recent talk to high schoolers on the model for finding truth, we busted the false narrative that bacon is bad for you and should be avoided at all costs. We did this in two ways.

  1. We exposed absurd assertions in nutritional guidance that defy common sense (such as the notion that corn flakes are better for you than meat, dairy or eggs).
  2. We showed the health guidance regarding bacon are just false narratives devoid of facts.


If you were buying a house, would you check to make sure it has a secure foundation? What about advice concerning your health?


Always check the labels before you buy, and that goes for truth too...


Here are two graphics that help to bust the false bacon narrative...